Packet Clearinghouse

“Research Packet Clearing House investigates technological, economic, and policy issues in areas related to Internet traffic exchange.

“PCH’s longest-running research project is the Internet Routing Topology Archive, a database of Internet topology measurements begun in 1997. This archive of routing data from all major and many minor Internet provider networks is available to academic and commercial researchers and the operations community, to aid in the understanding of the dynamic nature and topology of the Internet.

“Other topics of ongoing research include the economic impact of local traffic exchange in developing nations, inter-provider notifications and communication, and database schemas for topological data.

“Packet Clearing House facilitates research, instruments the Internet, collects, archives, and disseminates information and data, and creates a climate conducive to analytical examination of all aspects of Internet topology, operational practice, and economics. Although we have collected and maintain the world’s largest database of Internet routing information, we prefer to put researchers in academia together with the data that they need, rather than analyze all the data we collect ourselves - a task beyond the capacity of any one organization. We believe that, by facilitating partnerships between industry and academia and enabling communication between the two communities, we can achieve a more enduring beneficial effect.”

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