IXP History Collection

“The IXP History Collection is an ongoing project which seeks to record and document global histories of computer networking and internet exchange points (IXPs), due to valid concerns that these histories will be lost from the global record unless attempts are made to start preserving them now. In particular, the project is concerned with the fragility of electronic information and born digital documents, records, and multimedia, otherwise known as born digital heritage.”

“As a starting point, the project utilizes the Packet Clearing House Internet Exchange Directory (https://www.pch.net/ixp/dir) to track global IXP development. The project then focuses on documenting IXP histories through as many public online sources as possible (e.g., web sites/pages, reports, journals, magazine/newspaper articles, old emails on public mail lists). In addition, the project relies on the use of web archives as a research tool for tracing IXP histories, but also as a preservation tool using the Save Page functions in the Wayback Machine and Arquivo.pt.”